APPLY TO BE A SARTA TRAINER First Name Last Name Email Address Birth Date Address City Zip Code Date Available What is your desired compensation? What position are you applying for? Can provide proof to work in the United States? YES NO Have you ever worked for SARTA? YES NO If so, when? Please elaborate on previous experiences as it pertains to working for SARTA Please list any or all certifications that you may have in regards to working for SARTA Please elaborate on you experience using Apple products such as computers (macOS) and mobile devices (iOS) Please upload your resume Please Upload any certifications listed above Please Acknowledge All I hereby certify that all statements made in the application and accompanying material are complete, accurate, and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree and understand that any omissions or misstatements of material facts or information contained in the application and interview process may cause me to forfeit all rights of employment with SARTA. I understand that the information provided by me will be verified. I authorize the release of pertinent information to SARTA Your Full Name Date APPLY NOW